The Carlton Football Club's Multicultural Ambassadors Program focusses on strengthening the Club's relationship with the community.

The program consists of likeminded individuals who brainstorm ideas on how this can be achieved. 

One of the ambassadors, Anna Zhang, hailed what has so far been an extremely positive experience. 

"The opportunities available are endless," said Ms Zhang. 

"These are passionate individuals who genuinely believe in the power of sport to bridge divides.

Ms Zhang says that by becoming an ambassador, she's had the opportunity to present her ideas both in Australia and abroad. 

"I am passionate about researching the role that the AFL has played in shaping identity," Ms Zhang said. 

"With the support of the AFL, Monash University and Carlton Football Club, I presented to the International Pacific Youth and Sports Conference in New Caledonia in 2013.

"My research looked at how AFL has played an essential role in shaping Australian identity over the last 150-years."

Ms Zhang says that anyone who shares a desire to help others should also consider becoming an ambassador. 

"There are so many initiatives that can be explored," said Ms Zhang. 

"They can range from the Multicultural Schools Program to the Carlton High Rise Program, where ambassadors who possess strong mentoring and leadership skills can assist with running clinics and mentoring children who reside in Carlton's public housing estates."

To find out more about the Multicultural Community Ambassadors program at the Carlton Football Club, contact Doug Stevenson (