The Carlton Football Club, in conjunction with Down Syndrome Victoria, recently hosted a "T4321" promotion which encouraged primary schools to host a morning tea and raise funds for DSV.

Tallarook Primary School were the winners of the competition and were rewarded with a special Blues football clinic at Visy Park last Thursday.

The children were treated to a tour of the Visy Park facilities with injured defenders Simon White and Jeremy Laidler and then took part in a clinic which involved handballing, kicking and tackling.

Laidler said the children of Tallarook Primary should be proud of their achievement.

"The kids have been fantastic. I think it's wonderful that they've rallied around such a worthwhile cause. They certainly deserve this little reward," Laidler said.

Down Syndrome Victoria, one of the Carlton Football Club's community partners in 2012, is the peak state membership body for people with Down syndrome and their families. Their mission is to empower people with Down syndrome to achieve a lifetime of meaningful inclusion in the community. Down syndrome is a genetic condition - people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome, and this results in a number of physical and developmental characteristics including some level of intellectual disability.

For more information or to lend your support to Down Syndrome Victoria, visit them online at

Well done to the children of Tallarook Primary!