HOW ARE wetravelling?

Ideally I think we could have won one ortwo more games and be sitting in a better position. There were three games weshould have won; the Brisbane game, the Kangaroosgame and, to an extent, the Adelaidegame. We were in winnable positions in those matches but our final quarter fadeouts really cost us.

What has beenimpressive about Carlton’sseason to date?

Our ability to kick big and winning scoreshas been a real plus. Our forwards have been working well. Brad Fisher andMatthew Lappin have been able to kick goals and have supported Brendan Fevolawell.

A few playerswho have impressed?

Bryce Gibbs has been terrific down back. Fora player to make the seniors in his first league season is tough work, especially when you play at a ground like the Telstra Dome where the ball comesin at a rate of knots.

Andrew Carrazzo – Andrew has had a terrificseason in the middle; as a rookie-listed player he has really come on in leapsand bounds.

Setanta O’hAilpin – Setanta is certainly aplayer who is really growing and is playing the toughest position possible asa ruckman and key defender. I love the way he goes about his footy with hisenergy and enthusiasm.

Jarrad Waite and Brad Fisher – Jarrad ishaving a stellar season and his development is important to the club. Brad hasalso been a very important player for us and done well.

Do you believewe can make the finals?

The belting we copped from Hawthorn was a realitycheck. So, realistically, I would probably say no. Winning eight to 10 gameswould be a real positive for us but, in my opinion, I would say eight is a morerealistic prediction. I think you have to take small steps before you can workyourself into a premiership position.

Whatimprovements are the coaches hoping for in the remainder of the season?

Our forward structure has been quite good.However, the way our defence and midfield have combined has resulted in a lotof goals being scored against us. Obviously we take the game on a fair bit,which is conducive to getting high scores kicked against you, but that is thestyle of game we play. So, we just have to make sure our midfielders get backto support the defence as best they can.

How are theyoung Blues players going?

Basically, a lot of our younger playersneed a bit more time. Some have knockedon the door of senior selection, some have been disrupted by injuries and somehave come in to the side but need more time.

Joe Anderson rose to prominence quitequickly this season but unfortunately hurt his hamstring against the Bulldogs when he was doing a great job on NathanEagleton.

Clinton Benjamin – Even though Clinton hasnot dominated seconds football, he will come on and be a very good player forthe Carltonfootball club. He still needs to improve his kicking but has shown fantasticathleticism.

Paul Bower – Paul has been a little up anddown but he is certainly one who is still very young and still learning thegame. I can see a bright future for him.

Shaun Grigg – Shaun is, unfortunately,another one who has been injured (broken collarbone) but he has enormous talentabout him and a lot of speed.

Ross Young – Rosswill also put a lot of pressure on the senior players.

One percenterMedal nominations

Andrew Carrazzo, Adam Bentick and BryceGibbs. To me, they are three players who have done some terrific roles inregards to supporting, tackling and blocking.

Surprise Packet medal nominations

Setanta O’hAilpin. He has been in the gamethree years and to do some of the things he has done is quite amazing.

Ross Young has done some good things whenhe has played senior footy and is one player who will certainly have an impactas we look to the future.

Libba’s Medalgoes to ...

The team’s attacking style of play thisyear. Our players are backing themselves and taking the game on a bit more, whichis exactly what we want them to do.