“AFL is a very competitive business, both on and off the field and we know that to stay competitive we have to continue to grow and keep investing in the skills of everyone at the Club,” said Carlton CEO Greg Swann.
“The development of our players is something we speak about a lot, not just their development as players but their development as people. We also encourage our players to undertake TAFE and training qualifications so that when their football careers are over, they will have the skills they need for their future. It is an expectation that all our players spend time developing their off-field skills to prepare for the future,” Swann added.
Carlton hosted a business breakfast with Skills Victoria at Visy Park to highlight to businesses the importance of committing to the skills development of their staff. Assistant Coaches Brett Montgomery and Robert Harvey were guests at this breakfast to speak about skills development on and off the field as part of the overall player and staff development program at Carlton.
The Honourable Bronwyn Pike, MP, Victorian Minister for Skills and Workforce Participation, attended the breakfast and presented Carlton CEO Greg Swann with a Victorian Skills Pledge certificate. This certificate recognizes the commitment Carlton has made to the program:
“We pledge our commitment to skills development to secure the ongoing employment prospects of our people. We recognize that this investment is integral to our business success.”
Taking the Victorian Skills Pledge is open to businesses of all sizes in the private, public and community sectors.
If your business is small to medium sized (up to 200 staff), when you sign up to the Victorian Skills Pledge the State Government can help you deliver on your training commitment through the Skills for Growth program. This program will assist your business to identify its strategic business aims and objectives, assess staff skills, and provide relevant training to meet your needs.
Your business will also receive regular updates on important developments in the Victorian skills system. These update will keep you informed of best practice in skills and workforce development and will feature profiles of businesses involved in the Victorian Skills Pledge initiative and Skills for Growth program.
Click here to visit the Skills Victoria Website to find out more information.