CFC TV: A Weekend with the Players
Young Blues fan James Pacholli spent a weekend with the team on the recent trip to the Gold Coast.
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The Carlton Football Club continues to play an active role in the community working to improve the lives of many people in all walks of life. The positive work undertaken by the Carlton players and the understanding the positive impact they can have on people in the community is evident from the thank you letter received from Natalie Evans recently.

Natalie’s son James Pacholli is currently having treatment for cancer and is being supported by one of Carlton’s nominated community/charity programs in 2009, “Challenge – supporting kids with cancer”. Natalie, James and his two sisters; Emma and Zoe were the special guests of the Carlton Football Club on the Gold Coast for the game against Fremantle. Through the work of Challenge the family was able to spend a weekend with Carlton on the Gold Coast.

A big thank you to the Carlton Football Club, Sponsors and players for the warm welcoming, looking after us all like VIPs and openness to behind the scenes. We are grateful for making an extraordinary memorable weekend for us all.  James said it was the best weekend of his life. Thank you for taking the time out for us and James.

The experience for us was a much needed break from hospital and chemo 2-4 days a week, for the last 6 months.

There have been major life changing effects for the family, for James, the main one is not being able to play the many sports he did enjoy.

After lots of misery the news of a big trip helped James accept and handle the next lot of treatment coming.

The treatment has been relentless, over time James morale has lowered, he has attended one organised activity in 6 months, being a soccer match in December 08.  Last week his Grade 6 classmates went on camp. James was saying nothing good happens to me and I don't get to do anything, the news of this trip has changed around his whole attitude.

The trip to Gold Coast with the team has helped him with his treatments and everyday life, with ease of taking tablets and singing and laughing at home. The activity has helped James be positive during treatment as he had something else to focus on.  James is stronger physically from the experience, his overall demeanor is happier.

The uplift in his spirits from this experience will help him get through the next intense chemo treatments ending mid June.

Thank you  
 Natalie Evans and James, Zoe, Emma Pacholli.

To the Carlton players,   
I really enjoyed the mini golf because it was really fun thing to do, with just the boys. It was really great and I probably never get another chance to do something like that with my favourite team.

Running through the banner was the most exciting part of the whole weekend by far. Although I found it hard to run, it was worth it.

I thought it was really special that when I was struggling to run up the field that Brendan Fevola slowed down to run with me. It was even better because he is my favourite player.

I appreciate them letting me be the only one allowed in the clubrooms to get autographs after the match, even though we didn't get the result we wanted.  I'd like to thank you all for the best weekend of my life.

From James Pacholli