BREA Moody may be a relaxed customer when it comes to game preparation, but even she can’t shake the feeling of excitement heading into tomorrow night’s season opener.

“I’m feeling excited. I definitely can’t wait to get out there,” Moody told RSN Breakfast.

“I’m not a hyped up, energetic kind of person – I stay pretty relaxed right through until that bounce but I watched some practice match vision on Sunday night and that flicked the switch for me that we’re heading into game week and we’re starting to step things up a bit.

“I try to stay relaxed but I also know we’ve got a task at hand and I try to get myself into the right mindset to get what we need to get done out there.”


An inaugural Blue, Moody will be heading into her seventh season of AFLW, with that experience granting her a sense of calm heading into Thursday night’s blockbuster clash with Collingwood.

“It’s worth no more than every other round and I just try to approach it the same as every year – I’m fortunate to be in my seventh season in the comp, so I’ve had a few seasons to experience it.”

As Navy Blue as they come, there was no hesitation for Moody when it came to deciding where her football would be played come season seven.

“I love the Club. I was presented with some offers elsewhere and had to sit down and seriously think them through, but I seriously couldn’t see myself playing in another guernsey,” she said.

“I didn’t like the idea of trying to make somewhere else my home. I’m so comfortable walking through the doors at IKON Park and we’ve got such a strong group that did commit to stay. I want to be part of every success that we’ve got at the Blues moving forward.”


Despite often being touted as one of the premier rucks of the competition, with an All Australian and Carlton AFLW Best and Fairest under her belt, Moody isn’t putting a ceiling on her development.

“Year on year, I just want to work on my fitness and try to be better than I was the last season.

“I’ve sat down with our sports scientist already and gone over some numbers from last season and where I can push to improve those numbers.

“Also just doing some extra skills when I can – a little bit more strength work in the gym, all those things that are going to help me get better on the field.”

With a host of young talent alongside her, Moody is eager to see what the Game Changers can achieve.

“I think we have about 23 players from our last list that recommitted and that’s a massive group to move forward together,” she said.

“Whilst it can be disappointing with some big names that left, I think it gives the opportunity for some young ones to come through and prove themselves and show their talent.

“I don’t feel like we’ve taken a step back at all. We’ve got such a talented and connected young group, I can’t wait to see how we go – not only this season, but in the years to come.”

Carlton will face Collingwood in tomorrow night’s season opener at IKON Park, with tickets available to be purchased here.