Carlton’s 2012 NAB Cup campaign commences in Adelaide on Sunday February 27 with two shortened games; the opening game against Port Adelaide and the second game against Adelaide. This is the first of three NAC Cup matches to determine the NAB Cup Grand Final teams on Saturday March 17.

This year the AFL has introduced four trial rules being played during the NAB Cup:

1.    Interchange system with two interchanging and two substitute players on the bench (will not be used in the final week of the NAB Cup)

In rounds 2 & 3 when teams are playing four quarter matches, four new players may be introduced for the second half of each game.
It has already been determined that the 3 interchange and 1 substitute player will remain in place for the 2012 AFL Premiership Season.

2.    Free kick against player who drags or holds ball under opponent

An extension of the rule trailed in the 2010 & 2011 NAB Cup, the umpire may pay a free kick against a player who drags the ball under his opponent, and may also pay a free kick against a player who holds a ball under his opponent, when he is trying to knock it out.

3.    Deliberate out of bounds
A free kick will be paid against the last team to dispose of the ball with a kick or handball before it goes out of bounds, provided no-one else touches the ball before it goes out. This is slightly different to the ‘last touch’ rule trialled last year as it was felt the ‘last touch’ element was too harsh in certain circumstances.
4.    Ruck Contests at Field Bounces and Throw-Ins
Ruckmen will not be permitted to make contact with their opponent prior to bounces and throw-ins, with umpires ensuring the players do not make contact with each other until the ball leaves the umpire’s hand.

In addition to umpiring trials will also be used in the NAB Cup:

1.    Boundary and Goal umpires pay free kicks for holding & high contact at stoppages
This is an extension to the trial used in 2010 & 2011, the boundary and goal umpires may pay free kicks for obvious holding or high contact infringements.

2.    Consultation process for scoring decisions
As per last year’s trial in the NAB Cup, the official scorer is able to participate in the consultation process for scoring decisions. If this trial is successful it may be introduced for the 2012 AFL Premiership Season.