President Stephen Kernahan and Chris Judd were on hand for the proceedings, to present the members with Certificates of Appreciation.
In all, 15 members were recognised for this amazing commitment, but only six were able to attend the meeting.
Those presented with their certificates at the MCG included:
William Ives
Jean Jaeger
Myra Kawulak
Alan Rees
James Russell
Phyllis Marjorie Taig
The members who will be presented with certificates at a later date include:
Keith Brown
Aileen Castillo
Vera Grant
Clifford Holah
Ken Kleiman
Stan Ladd
John McCredie
William Murray
Alma Tivendale.
Meanwhile Carlton’s longest serving member, Myer Brott, was awarded Carlton Life Membership. Mr Brott has been a Carlton member for a remarkable 87 years. His son Trevor was on hand to accept the award.