Walter Withers joins Carlton as new formal wear supplier.

Bryce Gibbs and Andrew Walker were looking sharp during a photo shoot at Walter Withers Collins Street store recently as they helped promote the Carlton Football Club and Walter Withers new partnership.
The outcome of the photo shoot can be seen on page 73 of the Carlton Football Club’s Season Guide which was recently sent to every Carlton Members household.
Carlton Members can take up the exclusive offer that Walter Withers has provided for Carlton Members. Simply present your 2009 Carlton Membership card at one of Walter Withers three stores and receive 15% off.   
Walter Withers stock the latest styles in both suits and accessories. Their pure wool, light weave fabrics in suits and pure cotton European cut shirts are simply some of the finest around.
“Walter Withers is proud and excited to be the new Carlton Football Club  Formal Wear  sponsor,” Walter Withers Director, Angelo Salerno said.
“We understand that looking and feeling good is a very important part of the image that the Carlton Football Club portrays, and we look forward to forging a great partnership with the Club, its players, staff and importantly 2009 Carlton Members. Walter Withers means BUSINESS. ” Mr. Salerno added.


Cnr Queen Street & Little Collins Street, Melbourne 9670 2633

500 Collins Street, Melbourne 9620 0201

177 Toorak Road, South Yarra 9804 7600