PLAYERS from the Carlton Football Club have proudly taken part in the 2021 Safe Steps ‘Walk Against Family Violence’ as part of the UN’s 16 Days of Activism.

This year’s event was again based on local walks from home or the office, with the Blues joining thousands of Victorians around the state to help send the message that family violence and all forms of gender-based violence is unacceptable. 
Closely aligned with the Club’s Carlton Respects program, the Walk Against Family Violence provided the Club with another opportunity to promote the important message to the community and help build even more awareness for the important cause. 

Gab Pound and Corey Durdin at the Walk Against Family Violence.

Speaking at the event in late November, Gab Pound and Corey Durdin highlighted the important role that players and sport can have in bringing attention to the cause. 
“As players it’s a real opportunity to be good role models and not just say things, but actually do things,” Pound said.
“We’ve got a platform that we can use. Victorians, especially, love football - so we’re really excited to get out there in the community and do the things that really matter.” 
With a heavy focus on reaching young Australians at a primary and secondary school level, the Carlton Respects program aims to change the conversation and challenge the stereotypes around gender in order to promote gender equality for the prevention of violence against women. 

Carlton Players participate in a Walk Against Family Violence at IKON Park

“For us players to be able to be a part of something and support a cause that’s bigger than ourselves is really important,” Durdin said of Carlton Respects
“The Carlton Respects program reaches over 10,000 students and being able to do our part is really important. 
“The more people we reach, the more the issue is spoken about, means the more we can have those conversations and try to fix the issues.” 
Players unable to attend the event took part in their own Walk Against Family Violence at the Club to show their support for the cause. 
For more information about Safe Steps and the Walk Against Family Violence, click here.